It Shouldn’t Hurt to Poop

Kids feet dangling off toilet

Gas Pains Were the Norm

When my Charlie was young, he would double up in pain, seemingly out of the blue, while waiting for the school bus.

“I don’t need the bathroooooooom,” he’d moan. We’d wait a few minutes, and the pain would pass. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to his bouts. We could go for a couple weeks without issue, then vacillate between constipation and diarrhea in the same week. (UGH.)

Answers Slowly Came Into View

Thankfully, I began to make sense of it all. I was just beginning to understand how gut health could be a real key in solving Charlie’s severe ADHD behaviors. It certainly took time for me to wrap my head around the concept, but I couldn’t deny the SIGNIFICANT behavioral changes I was seeing as a result of overhauling his diet.

SO–I got obsessed with Charlie’s poop.

Far beyond looking at texture and color, I was now EXAMINING my child’s poop to see the levels of mucus it carried. Early on, we had a fecal analysis performed through our functional medical practitioner and learned Charlie had high levels of candida. As we adopted a yeast eradication diet I watched as greater amounts of mucus were seen on his bowel movements. Over time, the mucus lessened until it was rarely seen at all.

But I digress.

I needed a Natural Laxative for Children

My older kids had trouble with occasional constipation, most especially when they transitioned from breast milk or formula to regular milk. I was such a young (and new!) mom that I simply did what the doctors said. I kept a powder laxative on hand and would administer that for 3 days until the Great Release came. That laxative was powerful; it did its job. But I knew it was unnatural and didn’t bring long term relief. I needed to heal at the root cause.

What Was the Deal With This Constipation, Anyway?

With Charlie, I was now grasping at every straw that came my way. There MUST be a solution for these seemingly unrelated symptoms including (but not limited to):

  • Occasional constipation
  • Sleep issues
  • Wild temperament
  • No ability to calm himself
  • Sensory Overload

Before a gut healing diet and targeted supplementation, Charlie’s list of behaviors seemed a mile long.

Kids dangling feet off toilet

The Best Fiber Supplement for Kids

My son had an extremely sensitive system, and I was cautious about everything he ingested.

  • I needed something SAFE & EFFECTIVE which offered a LONG-TERM solution for his constipation.
  • I needed something that wouldn’t trigger an inflammatory response, so I had to be VERY careful with ingredients.
  • I needed something that would continue my son’s digestive healing, not have us backslide.

“Prebiotics vs Probiotics” What’s the Difference?

For years, I had dived headlong into the world of probiotics and had significant success from doing so. I was now well versed in ‘leaky gut’, the importance of a healthy microbiome, and providing a diet that would allow my child’s body and brain to flourish.

I assumed prebiotics were the precursor to probiotics. Wrong. While probiotics are living microorganisms that provide benefit to the human body, PREBIOTICS are defined as “a substrate that is selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit.” (In ‘mom speak’: Prebiotics are the food for Probiotics.) We want to increase the number of prebiotics in our system so they may, in turn, FEED the probiotics. A richer, healthier microbiome is the result!

Finding the Answer

After years of yo-yo digestive issues, we finally had a solution that solved the root cause of Charlie’s stomach woes. My journey (along with LOTS of trial and error!) pointed me in the direction of a particular prebiotic fiber.

  • This prebiotic did NOT cause additional gas and bloating,
  • It could be taken easily and safely each day,
  • It was clinically shown to provide relief from occasional constipation, AND
  • It was clinically proven to increase the gut’s beneficial bacteria!

In fact, researchers found this prebiotic fiber to be a “single comprehensive solution for overall maintenance of proper digestive health.” (1)

Tasteless Prebiotic Fiber for Kids— Perfect For You + yours

As with everything I’ve learned with Charlie, I love to bring it to the world. I knew providing this prebiotic fiber in a pure, organic tasteless powder would be a perfect solution for You+yours.

I think what I love most is that our Tasteless Fiber for Kids is ALWAYS at work behind the scenes! Because with daily use, your child’s digestive tract continues to increase its beneficial bacteria. How cool is that?!?

Parents, I know the pain and frustration of watching a child in distress. It is my hope this fiber will bring long term benefits to your child, allowing both their body and brain to THRIVE.

Easy as 1-2-3 to take… and YES, it’s Truly Tasteless!

Adding this prebiotic fiber to your child’s daily morning routine is SO easy! Each morning…

  1. Charlie pours about 6 oz of his ‘homemade lemonade’ in a cup. (This is simply water and lemon juice, sweetened with stevia powder!)
  2. I add one scoop of our Tasteless Fiber for Kids and stir.
  3. Charlie waits about 30 seconds for the powder to disappear and drinks it right back! (And if breakfast is ready, he drinks his ‘lemonade’ along with his meal.)